United Nations Declaration (Articles 1 - 30):

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Incoming UN chief names three women to top posts

Incoming UN chief names three women to top posts
Nigerian Minister of the Environment Amina Mohammed, seen in 2015, will be the UN's number two official (AFP Photo/Mireya ACIERTO)

Sustainable Development
"A Summary" – Apr 2, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Religion, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Intelligent/Benevolent Design, EU, South America, 5 Currencies, Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Middle East, Internet, Israel, Dictators, Palestine, US, Japan (Quake/Tsunami Disasters , People, Society ...), Nuclear Power Revealed, Hydro Power, Geothermal Power, Moon, Financial Institutes (Recession, Realign integrity values ..) , China, North Korea, Global Unity,..... etc.) -
"The Timing of the Great Shift" – Mar 21, 2009 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Text version)

“ … Here is another one. A change in what Human nature will allow for government. "Careful, Kryon, don't talk about politics. You'll get in trouble." I won't get in trouble. I'm going to tell you to watch for leadership that cares about you. "You mean politics is going to change?" It already has. It's beginning. Watch for it. You're going to see a total phase-out of old energy dictatorships eventually. The potential is that you're going to see that before 2013. They're going to fall over, you know, because the energy of the population will not sustain an old energy leader ..."
"Update on Current Events" – Jul 23, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: The Humanization of God, Gaia, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Benevolent Design, Financial Institutes (Recession, System to Change ...), Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Nuclear Power Revealed, Geothermal Power, Hydro Power, Drinking Water from Seawater, No need for Oil as Much, Middle East in Peace, Persia/Iran Uprising, Muhammad, Israel, DNA, Two Dictators to fall soon, Africa, China, (Old) Souls, Species to go, Whales to Humans, Global Unity,..... etc.)
(Subjects: Who/What is Kryon ?, Egypt Uprising, Iran/Persia Uprising, Peace in Middle East without Israel actively involved, Muhammad, "Conceptual" Youth Revolution, "Conceptual" Managed Business, Internet, Social Media, News Media, Google, Bankers, Global Unity,..... etc.)

The Declaration of Human Freedom

Archangel Michael (Via Steve Beckow), Feb. 19, 2011

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.

All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.

No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.

Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.

The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found within.

God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.

No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.

Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.

No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.

Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.

Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.

Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.

All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.

Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.

All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.

Pope Francis arrives for historic first US visit

Pope Francis arrives for historic first US visit
Pope Francis laughs alongside US President Barack Obama upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, on September 22, 2015, on the start of a 3-day trip to Washington (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb)

Today's doodle in the U.S. celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech on its 50th anniversary (28 Aug 2013)

'Love is love': Obama lauds gay marriage activists in hailing 'a victory for America'

'Love is love': Obama lauds gay marriage activists in hailing 'a victory for America'
The White House released this image, of the building colored like the rainbow flag, on Facebook following the supreme court’s ruling. Photograph: Facebook

Same-sex marriage around the world

"The Recalibration of Awareness – Apr 20/21, 2012 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Old Energy, Recalibration Lectures, God / Creator, Religions/Spiritual systems (Catholic Church, Priests/Nun’s, Worship, John Paul Pope, Women in the Church otherwise church will go, Current Pope won’t do it), Middle East, Jews, Governments will change (Internet, Media, Democracies, Dictators, North Korea, Nations voted at once), Integrity (Businesses, Tobacco Companies, Bankers/ Financial Institutes, Pharmaceutical company to collapse), Illuminati (Started in Greece, with Shipping, Financial markets, Stock markets, Pharmaceutical money (fund to build Africa, to develop)), Shift of Human Consciousness, (Old) Souls, Women, Masters to/already come back, Global Unity.... etc.) - (Text version)

… The Shift in Human Nature

You're starting to see integrity change. Awareness recalibrates integrity, and the Human Being who would sit there and take advantage of another Human Being in an old energy would never do it in a new energy. The reason? It will become intuitive, so this is a shift in Human Nature as well, for in the past you have assumed that people take advantage of people first and integrity comes later. That's just ordinary Human nature.

In the past, Human nature expressed within governments worked like this: If you were stronger than the other one, you simply conquered them. If you were strong, it was an invitation to conquer. If you were weak, it was an invitation to be conquered. No one even thought about it. It was the way of things. The bigger you could have your armies, the better they would do when you sent them out to conquer. That's not how you think today. Did you notice?

Any country that thinks this way today will not survive, for humanity has discovered that the world goes far better by putting things together instead of tearing them apart. The new energy puts the weak and strong together in ways that make sense and that have integrity. Take a look at what happened to some of the businesses in this great land (USA). Up to 30 years ago, when you started realizing some of them didn't have integrity, you eliminated them. What happened to the tobacco companies when you realized they were knowingly addicting your children? Today, they still sell their products to less-aware countries, but that will also change.

What did you do a few years ago when you realized that your bankers were actually selling you homes that they knew you couldn't pay for later? They were walking away, smiling greedily, not thinking about the heartbreak that was to follow when a life's dream would be lost. Dear American, you are in a recession. However, this is like when you prune a tree and cut back the branches. When the tree grows back, you've got control and the branches will grow bigger and stronger than they were before, without the greed factor. Then, if you don't like the way it grows back, you'll prune it again! I tell you this because awareness is now in control of big money. It's right before your eyes, what you're doing. But fear often rules. …

Merkel says Turkey media crackdown 'highly alarming'

Merkel says Turkey media crackdown 'highly alarming'
Reporters Without Borders labels Erdogan as 'enemy of press freedom'

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Federal Court: Discrimination in Texas Voting Maps

ABC News, Paul J. Weber, Associated Press, San Antonio, August 28, 2012

A federal court has found evidence of discrimination in Texas voting maps drawn by the state's Republican-controlled Legislature.

The U.S. District Court in Washington ruled in a lengthy opinion Tuesday that state prosecutors failed to show Texas lawmakers did not draw congressional and state Senate district maps "without discriminatory purposes."

Luis Vera, an attorney for the League of United Latin American Citizens, called the ruling "better late than never" and a win for his and other minority rights groups that sued the state over the maps.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott immediately vowed to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Related Article:

Murder case reveals alleged terrorist plot

Prosecutor says soldiers killed 2 to protect plans

The Boston Globe, By Russ Bynum,  Associated Press, August 28, 2012

Anthony Peden (left) and Isaac Aguigui are charged in the killings of a former
comrade and his girlfriend. (Lewis Levine, Associated Press/File 2011)

LUDOWICI, Ga. — Four Army soldiers based in southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of antigovernment attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.

A prosecutor in Long County, near the Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group composed of active duty and former US military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components.

Prosecutor Isabel Pauley said the group was serious enough to kill two people — former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York — by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret.

‘‘This domestic terrorist organization did not simply plan and talk,’’ Pauley told a Superior Court judge at a hearing Monday.

‘‘Prior to the murders in this case, the group took action,’’ she said. “Evidence shows the group possessed the knowledge, means, and motive to carry out their plans.’’

One of the Fort Stewart soldiers charged in the case, Private First Class Michael Burnett, also gave testimony that backed up many of the assertions made by prosecutors. The 26-year-old pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter, illegal gang activity, and other charges. He made a deal to cooperate with prosecutors in their case against the three other soldiers.

Prosecutors said the group called itself FEAR, short for Forever Enduring Always Ready. Pauley said authorities don’t know how many members the militia had.

Burnett said he knew the group’s leaders from serving with them at Fort Stewart. He agreed to testify against Private Isaac Aguigui, identified by prosecutors as the militia’s founder and leader, Sergeant Anthony Peden, and Private Christopher Salmon.

All are charged by state authorities with malice murder, felony murder, criminal gang activity, aggravated assault, and using a firearm with committing a felony. A hearing for the three soldiers was scheduled Thursday.

Prosecutors say Roark, 19, served with the four defendants in the Fourth Brigade Combat Team of the Army’s Third Infantry Division and became involved with the militia. Pauley said the group believed it had been betrayed by Roark, who left the Army two days before he was killed, and decided the former soldier and his girlfriend needed to be silenced.

Burnett testified that on the night of Dec. 4, he and the three other soldiers lured Roark and York to some woods a short distance from the Army post under the guise that they were going target shooting.

He said Peden shot Roark’s girlfriend in the head while she was trying to get out of her car. Salmon, he said, made Roark get on his knees and shot him twice in the head. Burnett said Aguigui ordered the killings.

‘‘A loose end is the way Isaac put it,’’ Burnett said.

Aguigui’s attorney, Daveniya Fisher, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment. Attorneys for Peden and Salmon both declined to comment Monday.

Also charged in the killings is Salmon’s wife, Heather Salmon. Her attorney, Charles Nester, also did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Pauley said Aguigui funded the militia using $500,000 in insurance and benefit payments from the death of his pregnant wife a year ago. Aguigui was not charged in his wife’s death, but Pauley told the judge her death was ‘‘highly suspicious.’’

She said Aguigui used the money to buy $87,000 worth of semiautomatic assault rifles, other guns, and bomb components that were recovered from the accused soldiers’ homes and from a storage locker. He also used the insurance payments to buy land for his militia group in Washington state, Pauley said.

In a videotaped interview with military investigators, Pauley said, Aguigui called himself ‘‘the nicest cold-blooded murderer you will ever meet.’’ He used the Army to recruit militia members, who wore distinctive tattoos that resemble an anarchy symbol, she said. Prosecutors say they have no idea how many members belong to the group.

‘‘All members of the group were on active duty or were former members of the military,’’ Pauley said. ‘‘He targeted soldiers who were in trouble or disillusioned.’’

The prosecutor said the militia group had big plans. It plotted to take over Fort Stewart by seizing its ammunition control point and talked of bombing the Forsyth Park fountain in nearby Savannah, she said. In Washington state, she added, the group plotted to bomb a dam and poison the state’s apple crop. Ultimately, prosecutors said, the militia’s goal was to overthrow the government and assassinate the president.

Fort Stewart spokesman Kevin Larson said the Army has dropped its charges against the four soldiers in the slayings of Roark and York. The military authorities filed their charges in March but never acted on them. Fort Stewart officials Monday refused to identify the units the accused soldiers served in and their jobs within those units.

Related Article:

Monday, August 27, 2012

"The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone" - (a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll)


This live channelling was Given in Patagonia South America on the Patagonia Kryon Cruise. February, 2012

Lee Carroll
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given on the Kryon Patagonia Cruise 2012.

Greetings again, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again we discuss with you that the magnetics are changing and not in a simple way. It's not in a way that your science will see, but a profound one that affects your very DNA. It is the end of what you would call the adventure. It is the beginning of what we would call the grand adventure. This channelling will be packed full of information that some of you have heard before and some have not.

My partner has been giving these messages for 22 years so that we could sit here together now and talk about possibilities. I wish to give you yet again the history of Earth and the history of humanity in a simple way that is not complex. It will be something that you can see in a capsulated form, a condensed form, and you will understand it better.

Thirteen billion years ago, all of this began. My partner told you today that the Cave of Creation existed when the earth was formed. It is a quantum event. It [the Cave of Creation] was there. You were there. I [Kryon] was there. We watched the earth form and we saw the potentials begin to exist. And here, dear ones, is information you really need to know: You didn't sit around just watching this planet develop. How do I say this to you? Don't you find it odd that all of Human civilization has seemingly happened in the last moment of Earth's existence? All of those billions of years, the development of life on Earth, the many times life started and stopped, yet Humans were not here. Don't you find it odd that your development was at the last possible moment of this? Large mammals were here millions of years ago, but you were not. Your science does not see this as odd, for they have nothing to compare it to. Instead, they just look at it as the way things took place. We call it planned synchronicity.

In order for me to give you this information properly, I have to give you yet again the creation story. You weren't just watching back then. Every single one of you was participating somewhere else. This is not the first planet you have been on, but then you knew that, didn't you?

However, this information about other existence is not in your current Akashic history, for the DNA Akash is Earth-based only. So any remembrance is supposition and intuition and that which you would get from the Higher-Self and not your DNA. Your DNA is Earth-based DNA with one change, and that is where we get into the creation story yet again.

The Overview

Now let me take you back only a billion years. You are in this galaxy back then, and we admonish you not to look out of this galaxy for any of your history. Each galaxy has its own spiritual plan and that affects each galaxy's physics. That is why science is able to see different kinds of physics in the Universe and they don't understand why. Stay in your galaxy for this examination. At this point, if I told you that consciousness defines physics, you might not understand. So let's just leave it at that.

Let me take you to a planet that is going through what you're going through. Four billion years ago, yours was simply cooling off. Life hadn't really begun as you know it. Oh, the seeds were there, but that's all. Life as you know it really hadn't begun at all. But other places in the galaxy, there were already sophisticated groups taking hold that were Humanoid – Human types. They look like you, for this is the plan. That was four billion years ago when life began on their planet, very different than your time line.

A billion years ago, they went through a change and they went through a shift, and they had free choice. Back then, they were the only planet that did in their time, and eventually they went through a metamorphosis of consciousness.

Exponentially it seemed they changed, and it took only a thousand years to go from full corporeal to an enlightened form. Only a thousand years and they became mostly quantum thinkers. Life was divine and defined separately and differently for them, for they had discovered the quantum parts of life within them. Everything changed. They didn't die, and according to the plan, at a certain point in time in their futures, they would then "seed" another planet with their evolved DNA. When that planet was ready, they would seed their knowledge of light and dark and divine intuition, and so they did so, on a planet very far from yours. It was a planet in the Seven Sisters constellation that became what you now know as the home of the Pleiadians. This, then, was the beginning of the Pleiadian civilization. That is how the Pleiadians started, from others who seeded them with the DNA of awareness.

Millions of years later, you had Humanoid forms moving into ascension within the Seven Sisters. I'm giving you the history of the galaxy, not the history of life. It's the history of divinity, all being affected by the center and all in an entangled quantum state. All this was with free choice.

Your Story

Several hundred thousand years ago, Humans began to form into the Human that you recognize today. That's just yesterday. Don't confuse this with Human development. You have had that going on for a very long time. But the DNA that is within your body is not the DNA that developed naturally on the planet. Yours is outside of the system of Earth-based evolutionary processes, and the scientists are starting to see this. The "missing link" that they speak of is not Human.

So again, we tell you that the ones who came to help seed you approximately 100,000 to 200,000 Earth years ago were the Pleiadians who had gone into graduate status and who had changed consciousness. They had become quantum with free choice, and you have parts of their DNA within you.

New information for you: The seeding process was not a one-time event. This is why we give you these large sections of time where the Pleiadians worked with you. It was done over time and in many places. It was not all simultaneous, and this was for reasons that will remain unknown to you for now, but will later explain why you will find other Human types that now are extinct. Now you only have one Human type, and that is counterintuitive to all mammal development on the planet. This was a design, and it took more than 100,000 years to create this for humanity as you know it.

It's your Human bias that has the creation story of the knowledge of light and dark being given to Humans in one day in a garden involving a talking snake and other mythology. Spiritual logic should tell you that these stories are simply metaphors of a real truth, that indeed there was a major shift of consciousness, but over a longer period of time and not instantly. The same mythology has the earth created in seven days. However, this only represents a numerological truth [7 is the number of divinity], meaning that there was a divine design in the creation of the planet. It's time to start using spiritual logic within the teachings you have about spiritual history, for the revelations will be wonderful and lead to fuller understanding.

Now, what really is in your DNA? It's the Pleiadians' code, and it's the ones before them, and even the ones before them. You can't remember it, for that is not the set-up. The system is that your Akashic record is only from Earth, but your "divine remembrance" will take you back to the beginning, where system after system after system created that which you see as the divinity within the galaxy and the Universe.

Who are they? They're your "divine" parents. They're the seed divinity in you and they visit here. They're not all Pleiadians, did you know that? Instead, they're from all over the galaxy. You see, they also represent the seeds of the Pleiadians, and they keep you safe. You wouldn't have it any other way, would you? "Safe from what?" you might ask.

The Bubble of Safety

Your Universe is teeming with life. Only a relative few planets over millions of years have made it to a place where they have "creator DNA" in their corporeal bodies. Some were seeded and never made it. Some are now dead. Some are technically advanced, but have no spark of divinity at all. So while a planet is "deciding," it is kept safe from other life that might interfere.

You're surrounded by divine beings who keep you safe and will continue while this planet of only free choice – the only one at the moment – makes its decision. You're turning the corner of consciousness and they all know it, for they've all been through it and they remember it. Oh dear ones, consciousness is volatile! You've seen it change so slowly, but it's about to change faster. It's not going to take generations and generations as in the past. Instead, you're going to see real-time changes. Humans won't wait to have children for them to grow up and have children.

Keeping you safe is done quantumly and at a 3D distance. But you have to ask the question, "With all this life in the galaxy and how old they are [potential for advanced science and travel], why don't the ETs just land and announce themselves? They have been here for hundreds of years!" The answer is proof of what we say. They know that you are "hands off" and they only come and go with marginal disturbance to Earth.

Faster Consciousness Shift

You think science has gone fast in the last 100 years? Watch what happens with a consciousness shift. The old energy on the planet is going to fight to the death. Many will check out. That is to say that many will die who cannot cross the bridge of consciousness. As the earth takes on a new energy, the old energy will not seem appropriate. Human nature has shifted greatly in the last centuries. You see that, do you not? How many of you are saying, "Well, after lunch we're going to sacrifice a virgin to the volcano?" You laugh and say, "Well Kryon, that's something they did in the old ages." No it isn't! In terms of a civilization timeline, it's something you did yesterday. But you're not doing it today, are you? So how do you see that? What is your perception of that specific procedure? You would say, "It's barbaric, unconscionable, out of integrity of Human Beings, and no longer acceptable."

How many years ago did a technically advanced civilization on your planet gather and cheer to watch Humans be devoured by animals or fight to the death? Measure the time and you will realize that it wasn't that long ago. Their theatres are still standing! So, how do you feel about that?

There's going to come a time when you look at this planet and war will be exactly like these examples. The idea of killing another Human Being for any reason will seem barbaric and not appropriate for any Human to do. Many will laugh at this, since they will say, "That's naive, Kryon. It's Human nature, and it's a survival instinct." That's what's going to change, dear ones. You are about to experience a quantum renaissance of thinking. This is difficult to explain, but Human Beings are missing something that's intrinsic, something that should be there and you're not even aware of it. It's missing, but you don't know it since you never have had it.New Intuitive Inheritance

Let me point something out. Those of you who know about the animal kingdom stand amazed at something called "animal instinct." A prairie mammal will drop a baby and that calf will come out of its mother aware. Within hours, it will be running with the herd. It will instinctively know who its enemies are, what plants are poisonous, and where the water is. It even knows the "language" of the herd. Don't you find that interesting? The Human child has zero instinct, except where to find immediate milk, and has to learn everything from nothing. It must learn how to eat, how to hold things, where the danger is, and language! Humans come out with nothing and they start over – every single time. You don't know this is odd, since it's all you ever had. You will say that that's because of the complexity of the Human brain. No, it isn't! It's because you weren't ready for it to be any different, and this is what's changing.

I want you to envision something with me. A Human baby is born and it knows everything at an instinct level. It's walking and talking within two years; it has wisdom and it doesn't have to be taught everything. It learns to read and see languages within months because it has what we would call quantum Human instinct. This baby has something that you don't even recognize you should have!

Now, tell me, if this happens can you see what might happen to the Human race? Exponential advancement in wisdom. What the parents have learned will pass to the child at birth, more than Akashic inheritance or chemical inheritance. This will be the inheritance of wisdom and instinct. And we've never talked about that until now. But we will again.

It's a quantum event. The creation story had you seeded by the Pleiadians more than 100,000 years ago. That's who they are, for they went through this. They have the same attributes of their history that you do, yours. Did you know that the creation stories on your planets are all similar? Even your major religions have a spiritual event taking place in your history, where Human Beings who look just like you received the knowledge of God. Notice: It's not ones who are cavemen, but instead ones who look just like you [modern Humans]. In your religions, it took place in a metaphoric garden, which is the earth, and Humans were given the knowledge of polarity [light and dark]. That's what the Pleiadians did all over the earth.


The Lemurian energy is the one seed-group that was totally isolated. You might even say it's the one where the Pleiadians came first. Because Lemuria was a mountain island [Hawaii], it survived in a form that was purer than others. Even the most remote groups on the earth had room to spread out [land], and that created variety of thought. But Lemuria was the same for thousands of years, making it one of the most long-lived civilizations in history and almost totally lost to science. We have given you their history before.

Therefore, the Lemurians carry the oldest Akash for an old soul and part of the system of spiritual seeding back then was that it was an avenue for only new souls to come in. Only a few of the Lemurian priests had a past-life in Lemuria, and most were women. Almost all the Lemurians were new to the planet. This was a major Earth-soul creating process, which is only now having results.

Dear ones, this was your fifth time to work the "enlightenment puzzle." You had four other opportunities that didn't get past this stage. However, this one has a potential that will survive. It's 2012 and the energy of it coordinates with the Galactic Alignment. This time fractal was seen as a major potential and even the prophecies of the ancients saw you going through this. Now you are beginning to do it. Even 50 years ago, this potential was not solid, for your fifth time might have been your last, for the old energy is strong and the idea of Humans destroying everything was a real possibility. Those who read this know what I'm talking about. Now even that has changed, if you noticed.

The Future

Some have asked, "Well Kryon, what is the future going to be like? What kinds of science will we have? If this is all true about our evolvement, what can we expect?"

I want to go back to your great grandparents for a moment. How would you explain the Internet to them when they had no concept of the computer? How do you explain a fast car to someone who has not invented the wheel? What is a runway-control system used for when there is no Human flight yet?

I cannot explain what's coming, since you do not have the concepts of what will happen in between now and then. Imagine information that occurs where if one knows it, all know it. Can you imagine quantum instinct? What is learned by one Human Being is learned instantly by all. If you can even start to imagine such a thing, you have an inkling of what is coming. It doesn't change choice. It changes wisdom.

There'll come a time when physics and science meld with consciousness. It is then that you'll realize that what the Creator gave you comes in a perfect package. It's not in boxes where Humans separate it and study in different buildings, but one that comes together where all things relate and fit nicely inside a puzzle of energy.

It may take a thousand years, as it did to the ones who seeded the Pleiadians and those who seeded the ones before them. We speak in odd terms here, using Earth years. We also have not defined how long "crossing the bridge to enlightenment" is or how long "crossing the bridge to quantum existence" is. But in general, the civilizations of the past took 1,000 Earth years to go from old energy to new. But it took many times that to go to a quantum corporeal existence. Don't try to figure it all out, since your process may be faster or slower. We just give you this information to show you that it's slower than you like. But this is the beginning.

You Are Your Own Seeds

The earth was waiting for you. The cave of creation, the crystals, were all ready for you. The potentials of each life were there, for your soul energy was upon them. But make no mistake, your soul energy was invested in the ones who seeded you and in the ones who seeded them. They are you. This is confusing in 3D, for many of them are still watching you, but since you have part of their quantum DNA, part of you is still with them. Don't try to analyze this quite yet.

You didn't sit around watching the earth being created, dear ones. You were busy doing on other planets what you are doing here. There is no remembrance of that, only potential instinct. The ones who sit in the room and who listen to my voice or read these words have all gone through this before.

So, dear Human Being, in closing I say these things to you: You sit in a perfect place. You sit next to others who have been through what you've been through. It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It's time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You're turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.

Let me take you forward 100 to 200 years: Let's sit in a room together. You're going to look different. Things will be very different, but you'll be here because that's what you do. [This is Kryon's description of you in your next lifetime or beyond.] Sometimes the Human Being asks, "How many lifetimes do I have left?" [Kryon smile] You should instead be asking, "How many Earth-lifetimes do I have left?" [Kryon bigger smile]. How many times can you do this, dear ones?

The system's goal is to raise the vibration of the galaxy and be surrounded by planets that have ascended and passed the energy to one another. Soon you'll do the same for others and, you guessed it, you'll do it again there. Right now, life is beginning on another planet far from here. Another Cave of Creation is starting to be formed. It's getting ready for you! [Kryon laugh] Are you tired yet? Dear family, you are eternal and there's a system, and it's beautiful. When you are not here, you understand it fully and participate without question.

You stand at a point of change. Go from this place and understand the profundity of this time. Pay attention to the changes in the sky for they have been foretold [the weather]. Do not fear the change before you.

You're never alone.

And so it is.

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"The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone" - (Voice message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll)

Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram

"NEW COMMUNICATIONS WITH SPIRIT" – Aug 5, 2012 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) - New

"Spiritual Logic" - Oct 15, 2011 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll) 
Benevolent Design, Channelling, Holy scriptures, Higher self, (Old) Souls, Universes, Big Bang, Galaxy/Solar system build for life, Astronomy, Life on Earth tried to start 5 times/ 5th time life started, Large Animals/No Humans,  Asteroid belt, 7 Sisters / 100.000 year ago Pleiadian Brothers and Sisters seeded Humans on earth, DNA, Humans Ascensiont with Pleiadian DNA, Lemuria (Hawaii),21-12-2012, 26.000 years cycle, 1987 - Harmonic convergence (11:11)Shift of Human Consciousness, Gaia, The Humanization of God, 1991 Russia falls, 1994 started 36 years galactic window (Presession), Mid point on 21-12-2012, Lemuria (Hawaii) center of the Earth time,  Love (Mother & Child),  Religion, Higher self, Global Unity,..... etc.)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, dies aged 82

US astronaut who led the Apollo 11 mission underwent heart-bypass surgery earlier this month

The Guardian, The Observer, Cass Jones, Sunday 26 August 2012

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died aged 82. His
family described him as a 'reluctant American hero'. Photograph: AP

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died aged 82. The former US astronaut, who will go down on history as the most famous pioneer of space exploration, passed away as the result of heart complications following surgery.

As commander of the Apollo 11 mission, he became the first person to set foot on the moon, on 20 July 1969, fulfilling the longheld dream of the United States to get there before the Soviet Union. His first words as he stepped on to the surface – "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" – instantly became one of the most recognisable phrases ever uttered.

Armstrong underwent heart bypass surgery earlier this month, just two days after his birthday on 5 August, to relieve blocked arteries.

His family released a statement on Saturday describing him as a "reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job".

It read: "We are heartbroken to share the news that Neil Armstrong has passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. Neil was our loving husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend. Neil Armstrong was also a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job. He served his nation proudly as a Navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut.

"While we mourn the loss of a very good man we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves."

Other tributes have come flooding in for the astronaut as news of his death spread across the world. US president Barack Obama hailed Armstrong as one of America's greatest heroes. In a statement issued by the White House, he said the crew of Apollo 11 carried with them the aspirations of an entire nation when they set out for the moon in 1969. He later tweeted: "Neil Armstrong was a hero not just of his time, but of all time. Thank you, Neil, for showing us the power of one small step."

Former astronaut Tom Jones, who completed four space shuttle flights between 1990 and 2001, said: "Mr Armstrong was one of the astronauts that was my hero when I was growing up and I watched his initial landing on the moon in 1969 with incredible interest. He really was an inspiration to an entire generation of people." The US space agency tweeted: "Nasa offers its condolences on today's passing of Neil Armstrong, former test pilot, astronaut & the 1st man on the moon. Neil was 82."

Armstrong grew up in Ohio with a keen interest in flight and earned his pilot's certificate when he was just 15. After flying combat missions during the Korean war, he became a test pilot and joined Nasa's astronaut programme in 1962.

Armstrong was joined on his moon landing by Buzz Aldrin and the pair spent nearly three hours walking on the lunar surface, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. Last night Aldrin called Armstrong "a true American hero and the best pilot I ever knew". The Apollo 11 mission turned out to be Armstrong's last space flight. The following year he was appointed to a desk job at Nasa, later becoming a lecturer in engineering at Cincinnati University.

In 1961 President Kennedy had declared before the United States Congress that the US would have a man on the moon before the turn of the decade and the moon walk marked America's victory in the cold war space race. An estimated 600 million people – a fifth of the world's population – watched and listened to the moon landing, the largest audience for any single event in history.

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"The Quantum Factor" – Apr 10, 2011 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Galaxies, Universe, Intelligent design, Benevolent design, Aliens, Nikola Tesla (Quantum energy), Inter-Planetary Travel, DNA, Genes, Stem Cells, Cells, Rejuvenation, Shift of Human Consciousness, Spontaneous Remission, Religion, Dictators, Africa, China, Nuclear Power, Sustainable Development, Animals, Global Unity.. etc.) - (Text Version)

"... That will be the next largest discovery on the planet. It's been held back from you because it takes a higher vibrating consciousness to create and understand it. When any planet discovers a quantum energy and is able to use it, you could go to that planet and know that you will meet high-consciousness entities. This has never been given to you before that, for within the quantum factor contains the secret of interplanetary travel using large, entangled states. There are ways of doing things you never thought could happen. You can throw away your rocket ships. You're on the edge of that.... "

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Let's not forget the miners in DR Congo

RNW, Mélanie Gouby, Goma, 24 August 2012

(Photo: AFP)

Last week's tragedy at Lonmin’s Marikana mine in South Africa has drawn international attention on the deplorable working conditions of miners in that country. But was there any media coverage of the sixty people who died two weeks ago in a gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)? Barely. 

Stretching into the depths of the mountain, a tunnel, carved by hand, is supported by a wooden structure like that on a set of an old Western movie. It gets dark very quickly as we move heads down into the tunnel. It’s hard to tell if our shortness of breath comes from the slight but unavoidable claustrophobic anxiety or the actual lack of oxygen down the well.

“With time, we actually forget about the dangers, even though they are real,” says Bisima, a 33-year-old miner working at the Nyabibwe pit in eastern DRC. “Mine collapse remains the greatest danger,” he says.

While Lonmin's Marikana mine carnage in South Africa got an incredible amount of coverage last week, only two weeks ago, 60 people died following a mine collapse in Pangoyi, in Ituri Province. However, there were barely any reports about the incident.

No safety measures

In the DRC, no one protests for better living conditions. Between the constant conflicts and extreme poverty, a human life does not hold much value.

“People risk their lives. This is our daily reality here in the DRC. In Nyabibwe, no miner wears a protective helmet or gloves,” says Fidel Bafilemba, a researcher for the American NGO Enough Project in the DRC.

Conditions are no better in the Ituri gold mine. “When we descend into the wells, there are no safety measures. The mine can collapse at any moment. And we work very hard, even at night. Those are not conditions for human beings to work in,” complains Patrick, a 20-year-old miner from Mubi in the Walikale region.

Abundant resources

Although the DRC has mineral resources that would make any Western country pale with envy, it remains one of the world's least developed countries. The nation is Africa's leading tin exporter and the fifth one in the world. Congo's subsoil holds 80% of the world’s coltan reserves. The metal is used in the manufacture of almost all electronic devices. Gold and diamonds are also present in abundance.

But miners often dig using only pickaxes and shovels, without any motorised tools. A number of mines have virtually no infrastructure whatsoever because they are informal and don't belong to any large industrial corporation. The miners sell the minerals to traders who take them to the cities of Goma or Bukavu, where they are purchased in bulk by foreign companies.

Blood minerals

Although few human rights organisations tackle the issue of working conditions in Congolese mines, many nevertheless campaign against the use of the infamous “blood diamonds” which are believed to finance armed rebel groups in the eastern part of the country.

In 2010, a coalition of non-governmental organisations, including Enough Project and Global Witness, successfully lobbied the US Congress to pass a law on blood diamonds. However, with the enforcement of the law, the mineral trade in the DRC has almost come to a standstill. Instead of investing in a system of traceability that would guarantee the “cleanness” of the minerals they purchased, American companies simply withdrew from the DRC.

As a result, the sales of minerals like coltan and cassiterite has dropped by 90%, and the living and working conditions of the miners have deteriorated further.

“We feel forsaken. People say that this law will help our country and stop the war, but we don’t see any difference. In fact, things are even worse today: there is still insecurity and we have no income,” says Safari, a 50-year-old miner in Nyabibwe.


In the last two years, numerous projects to “clean” the Congolese mining sector and guarantee the origin of the minerals have been launched by the United Nations, the United States of America and the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region. But these efforts were stumped by the M23 rebellion.

The rebellion takes its name from a 2009 peace accord which the rebels say was violated by Kinshasa. They were joined by hundreds of defectors from the Congolese army who walked out into the bush in support of fugitive Congolese General Bosco Ntaganda, wanted by the International Criminal Court on war crimes charges.

In Katanga, a province spared by the conflicts in southern DRC, a system of traceability has been put in place, allowing the trade of minerals to continue uninterrupted. However, working conditions in the Katanga mines have not improved.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Sunnis and Shiites remain historical rivals

Deutsche Welle, 23 August 2012

The civil war in Syria is becoming a proxy war between Sunnis and Shiites, symbolized by Saudi Arabia and Iran. Their differences originated in the early days of Islam.

If the Prophet Mohammed had arranged a successor before his death in 632, the Islamic landscape could have turned out differently.

But as things turned out, the Prophet's fledging Islamic community disintegrated just 30 years after his death. The majority of Muslims joined a group that later became known as the Sunnis. A second group consisted of followers of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of Mohammed.

It is the "Shi' at Ali," the party of Ali from which the Shiites originated. Up to this day, the Shiites remain in the minority, accounting for between 10 to 15 percent of the more than 1.6 billion Muslims.

Early power games

A personnel controversy was sparked in 632 by the question of how to correctly select Prophet Mohammed's successor, according to Lutz Berger, an Islamic scholar at the University of Kiel. "At the beginning, we had a political conflict about personnel decisions and group interests," he said. "Then the political conflict turned religious." 

Protests followed the arrest of
a Shiite preacher in Saudi Arabia
The debate about the rightful successor of Prophet Mohammed initially focused on the four "rightly guided" caliphs, agreed on by a majority vote. In 660, the Omayyad dynasty came to power. For those selecting the caliphs, it was of paramount importance they be members of Mohammed's tribe, the Quraysh.

Followers of Ali, however, believed the Prophet's successor should come from Mohammed's family. They argued that God himself had appointed Ali as the successor, that Mohammed had this succession recorded in writing before his death and that the Sunni erased it from the Koran. To this day, the Koran forgery charge has not been clearly withdrawn.

According to Berger, Ali was ambitious and bothered by not being able to succeed as the Prophet's successor. Finally, in 656, he was appointed the fourth and last legitimate caliph. His reign lasted just five years - until he was assassinated.

In Damascus, the newly forming center of Islamic power, the Umayyads had the say, while Ali followers secured supremacy in the frontier province of what is now Iraq. In 680 Ali's youngest son, Hussein, was elected counter-caliph. That same year, he was murdered by the Umayyads and buried in Karbala. With that, the foundation was laid for the permanent division between the Sunni and Shiites as well as the martyrdom cult in Shia Islam.

Early hostility

"In some ways, the Shiites were history's losers," says Berger. Ali and his successors failed to prevail in the entire Islamic community, resulting in a rather negative worldview and presumably Shia's own worldview that is shaped by a concept of suffering and salvation.

Iranian Sunnis read the Koran

From a Shiite perspective, the religious leaders, the Imams, are chosen by God. At the end of time, a savoir will come to establish a divine kingdom of justice. Belief in the Imam is one of the main differences to the Sunnah, which is the passed down knowledge of Mohammed's words and deeds as guidance for Muslim life.

To Shiites, the Imam is a mediator between God and his follower because only the Imam alone knows the hidden meaning of the Koran and has the task of communicating it to the community. His teaching decisions are infallible; for the Shiites, his sayings have the same authority as the Koran.

For many Sunnis, that borders on heresy. "The Shiites are accused of deifying people and seeing in Ali, the Prophet's son-in-law and his successors as super-human figures, thus moving away from a basic principle of Islam; namely, that there is only one God and that people should not be worshiped.

Lasting consequences

If the Shiites see themselves more as losers by refusing to participate in the secular rule over the centuries, the "Sunnis, by comparison, are successful from the start," says Islamic scholar Berger. They were able to play down the conflicts of earlier times and viewed the Shiite domination claims as troublemaking. 

Iraqi Shiites rally at the ruins of
a Shrine in Samarra
Even if the Sunnis and Shiites define themselves through their mutual rejection – as Berger puts it – phases of peaceful coexistence have historically alternated with those of religious-motivated clashes. The current political conflicts in the Islamic world are often religiously charged and show the some of the traditional conflicts between Sunnah and Shia. There are many examples, such as the civil wars in Syria and Iraq or the long-simmering conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the only country where Shia is the state religion.

Worldwide, there are about 1.6 billion Muslims, of whom between 85 and 90 percent are estimated to be Sunnis. No exact numbers exist because many countries have no surveys of religious affiliation. Moreover, Shiites are not always willing to disclose their religious affiliation in a non-Shiite environment.

Countries from North Africa to the Sahara are mostly if not entirely Sunni. The same is true for Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Syria and the Palestine regions, too, are largely Sunni.

Iran is the only country where Shia is the state religion. The majority of the population in Iraq and Bahrain is also Shiite. About one third of Lebanon's population is Shiite. Notable Shiite populations also exist in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Pakistan and Syria.

(Subjects: Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Muhammad, Jesus, God, Jews, Arabs, EU, US, Israel, Iran, Russia, Africa, South America, Global Unity,..... etc.) (Text version)

" ..... If an Arab and a Jew can look at one another and see the Akashic lineage and see the one family, there is hope. If they can see that their differences no longer require that they kill one another, then there is a beginning of a change in history. And that's what is happening now. All of humanity, no matter what the spiritual belief, has been guilty of falling into the historic trap of separating instead of unifying. Now it's starting to change. There's a shift happening. ....."

"Perceptions of God" – June 6, 2010 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll)
(Subjects: Quantum TeachingThe Fear of God, Near-death ExperienceGod Becomes Mythology, Worship, Mastery, Intelligent Design, Benevolent Creator
Global Unity.... etc.(Text version)

“.. For centuries you haven't been able to think past that box of what God must be like. So you create a Human-like God with wars in heaven, angel strife, things that would explain the devil, fallen angels, pearly gates, lists of dos and don'ts, and many rules still based on cultures that are centuries old. You create golden streets and even sexual pleasures as rewards for men (of course) - all Human perspective, pasted upon God. I want to tell you that it's a lot different than that. I want to remind you that there are those who have seen it! Why don't you ask somebody who has had what you would call a near-death experience?

"Healing the Military Energies in our family Tree" – Jun 13, 2011 (Kryon channelled by David Brown)

“ … There’s much violence and anger throughout the world; when we look at the Middle East, we can see that changes are coming there. The West has a lot of power over the Middle East, but that power will begin to dissolve. The Muslim people of this world will begin to have their own power, and their own prosperity, and they will begin to disconnect from the Western World. This disconnection doesn’t have to be violent as violence only happens when somebody hangs onto what doesn’t belong to them....

... What Military Energy means if we use an analogy: it would be like putting grinding paste into the oil of your motor car. Once you release these energies you will begin to feel lighter as you disconnect from this reality, and, you will find it easier and easier to release any other negative emotions. Military Energies are the core of all your problems...."